Legal Counsel to Houston’s Healthcare Community.

Legal Assistants
Dana Jennings
Cynthia Sanchez
Luccia & Evans, L.L.P. is dedicated to providing the highest level of service in the defense of complex multi-party litigation involving healthcare liability claims, product manufacture, and commercial litigation.

Charlotte Warmington, R.N., B.S.N., L.N.C.C., C.L.C.P.
In 1982, Ms. Warmington received her B.S.N. in Nursing from The University of Texas, Health Science Center. Upon graduation, she joined the full-time staff at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston Texas until 1992, when she entered the legal field as a legal nurse consultant. Ms. Warmington has been a certified Legal Nurse Consultant for over ten years and in 2004 became a Certified Life Care Planner.
Ms. Warmington has an extensive background in nursing, serving in clinical, management and educational roles. She has over thirteen years of experience in the areas of Neonatal Intensive Care & Surgery, Pediatric Intensive Care, Newborn Nursery, and Progressive Care caring for children with respiratory, neurological, as well as medical-surgical disorders.
Ms. Warmington has worked as a nurse reviewer and consultant in medical malpractice, personal injury and products liability cases for over fifteen years. She has provided support in managing several mass tort cases involving catastrophic events, pharmaceutical products, medical devices and toxic exposures for over fifteen years. Ms. Warmington has extensive experience in deposition, mediation and trial preparation
Khatira Aboulfatova, M.D.
After receiving her M.D. of pediatrics from the Medical University of Azerbaijan in 1990, Dr. Aboulfatova pursued specialization in tuberculosis and pulmonology. She was known as one of few medical professionals in the area of tuberculosis, and worked extensively with the National Tuberculosis Institute, Regional Tuberculosis Dispanseriums in preventing wide spread disease in the region. She conducted continued education for doctors and nurses in the newborn and pediatric departments of the maternity hospitals and pediatric clinics in the Sumgait, Azerbaijan. where she was head of the Pediatric department. In 1995, Dr. Aboulfatova moved to Houston, Texas where she continued as a research Associate at the Baylor College of Medicine, collaborating with scientists and doctors from Europe, Middle East and Asia. She has worked as a legal medical consult in medical malpractice, personal injury and liability cases since 2014.

Sarah Scott
Cyndie Sanchez